Creative seminar
The highlight of the month was the creative seminar, which took place from 12 to 17 October. Every two years the artists Heike Kleffmann and Ellen Schlottner offer this workshop for our foundation, this time with the topics ‚On the way with the sketchbook – drawing in nature‘ and ‚Random processes in creative design‘. In wonderful sunny weather we were able to learn how to sketch various motifs of the finca in our book with fineliner, water tank brushes and watercolours and then colour them. Or we had our fun experimenting with frottage, grattage or decalcomania. There was also space to work with wood and stone. It was a wonderful time in sun and light, in relaxed, happy togetherness, a time of relaxation and refilling.
Our chicks have grown well. The male animals are now in their own enclosure. Kojak‘, the bullied chicken, is very trustful and still likes to eat his food out of the hand.
We also planted winter vegetables – leek, onions, Chinese cabbage, spinach, beetroot and various salads. A field was sown with a mixture of sweet lupins, broad beans and peas to improve the soil.
Pomegranate harvest
On a beautiful autumn day we harvested our pomegranates. This is not so easy, because the tree stands at the edge of a terrace and its branches are hanging over the edge. With ladders and all kinds of tools we were able to harvest most of the fruit. From the already open pomegranates we pulled out the seeds and froze them. This way we can defrost them in the coming months as needed for salad or muesli or for eating them like this. With our pomegranate press we will supply ourselves with pomegranate juice while stocks last.
Rain at last
After many months we finally had rain, fortunately after our creative workshop. It rained 45 litres, so we can stop irrigation for now.